Minister Jennifer Harris is a native of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where she was educated in the public schools. She is a graduate of University City High School. She attended college in Ohio and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in special education from Central State University. She earned a Master of Science degree in Christian Counseling from Cairn University located in Langhorne, PA. Jennifer began her ministry while a student at Central State University. She assisted and facilitated a coffee house ministry directed by two students who attended Payne Theological Seminary on the campus of Wilberforce University. The Coffee house served students who attended both Wilberforce and Central State Universities.
During her sophomore year in college she was befriended and mentored by a dear couple who were pastors of a church located in Xenia, Ohio. She became a member of their Church under the College Watch Care Program. They instilled in her a love for God’s word and the love for spreading the good news of the gospel. This woman of God has always had a love for God and a desire to serve Him and His people. While at Central State, Jennifer opened her apartment to students of both Universities for prayer and fellowship.
Ms. Harris continued to study the word of God at various levels and in various institutions She has taken courses through Pentecostal Assembles of the World and Elijah House Ministries, where she earned certification in prayer counseling. Since 1997, Jennifer has devoted her time, talents, and treasure to the work of God’s kingdom on a wide variety of fronts and in a diversity of ministries both in and outside her church. She was asked to work at Blue Mountain Christian Retreat where she is also a frequent guest. In her capacity as a member of the staff at Blue Mountain she supervised young people in the snack shop. Jennifer has established singles ministries in a variety of settings and served as a convener and facilitator of seminars for singles.
As a member of New Covenant Church in Trooper, Pennsylvania, under the pastorate of Reverend Gus Howell, Jennifer worked diligently in a variety of ministries. While member of the New Covenant family, she was active in Foundations of classes, Adult Sunday school and Evangelism Outreach. She also served in the Altar Ministry, Prayer Partners Ministry, and was the ministry leader for the Singles Ministry at New Covenant. Minister Harris is presently a member of Church of Acts under the pastorate of Reverend John Hanlon. As a member of this fellowship, she serves on the Altar Ministry and is a most able prayer warrior. She is also the director of the Church of Acts’ Coffeehouse, the Upper Room Café.
Presently, she is the founder of Speak Life Graciously Inc. which is a Non-Profit Organization that creates inspiring literature for children, mentors youth who are “at risk”, and honors adults for their acts of kindness and generous contributions to the community. Click here to view the Speaks Life Graciously mission.